
Introduction to my blog.

Cocaine use

Cocaine use on muscle growth, and sports training.

Tobacco products effects on muscle growth

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

What not to be at the gym

How to properly train in the gym

Inner Triceps

Ways to develop those inner triceps.

Friday 3 August 2012


I am 195 pounds, and about 5'10. This summer I had 2 months to hit it hard. I lost 10 pounds of fat, while gaining 5 of muscle putting me at 190 at the start of Augest. Now this month I'm going even harder trying to get to 170.

My trainer sent me a meal plan, and an interval program aside from my other training I thought I'd share!

A few of the major guidelines - super basic but super important:
1.     Drink water. And LOTS of it! Without proper hydration, basic bodily functions are less efficient and fat loss will be virtually impossible. The easiest way to make sure you are getting enough is to buy a bottle that you can keep with you and refill throughout the day. Shoot for a minimum of 2 litres per day, 3 litres on workout days.

2.     Establish a regular sleep schedule and aim for at least 8-9 hours per night. This is the optimal amount of time to rest and recharge your system. Getting enough rest is crucial to achieving optimal health and will help your muscles recover properly after workouts, which promotes rapid fat loss.

3.     Eat small meals every 3-4 hours. The key to burning fat is speeding up your metabolism by keeping it fueled and working all day long. By eating small amounts every few hours, your system is in a constant state of digestion and you’ll be burning more calories at rest. This will also prevent any feelings of starvation or deprivation. 

4.     Eat breakfast every day. This is the most crucial factor in speeding up your metabolism. By eating within 30 minutes of waking up, you jumpstart your body’s internal fat burner and prevent the desire to overeat in the afternoon/evening. Try to drink a cup of coffee and/or glass of ice cold water with your breakfast to get your system working even faster.

5.     Never starve yourself, if you’re hungry – eat something! This isn’t a licence to indulge whenever you have a craving, but rather a way to listen to what your body needs and feed it when it really needs fuel. When you go into starvation mode, your body stores fat and burns muscle.

6.     Write down everything you eat. Self-monitoring is a great tool for weight loss and makes you accountable for what you’re consuming throughout the day. When you actually see it written out, it’s easy to see what you need more of (i.e. vegetables) and what you can cut down on (i.e. fast food).

1.     Try to stick to foods that are as natural as possible. Think lean proteins, vegetables, fruit, whole grain breads and cereals, brown rice and pasta, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts.

2.     Avoid foods that are high in sugar, fat, artificial ingredients. White breads, white rice and white pasta consist of refined sugar and should be eaten rarely, if at all.

3.     Each of your small meals throughout the day should consist of complex (healthy) carbohydrates and lean proteins. By adding protein to a meal, digestion takes longer and you will feel full longer.

 Lean Protein Sources
Chicken breast or thigh (skinless)
Turkey breast (skinless)
Lean beef (look for round or loin)
Bison (just as good as beef, way leaner)
Low-fat dairy products:
-         Milk
-         Cottage cheese
-         Yogurt
White fish:
-         Halibut
-         Cod
-         Tilapia
Beans and lentils:
-         Black beans
-         Kidney beans
-         Garbanzo (chickpeas, hummus)
-         Red and yellow lentils

When cooking your proteins, try to grill, bake or broil instead of frying.

All vegetables (limit potato intake)

All fruits

Low-fat milk
Low-fat yogurt (look for varieties with low sugar & high protein)
Greek yogurt
Reduced-fat cheeses
Cottage cheese

Nuts (unsalted) – a source of healthy omega-3 fats, but limit to servings of 10-15 (small handful)
Peanut butter
Almond butter

Complex Carbohydrates
Brown or wild rice
Sweet potato
Baked potato
Whole grain pastas
Whole grain breads
Whole grain crackers
Steel cut oats
Hot breakfast cereals (look for natural/organic ie. Cream of Wheat)
Cold breakfast cereals (low sugar, high fiber)

Sample Daily Meal Plan à

Evening Snack
3 egg omelette with cheese, peppers and onions

Banana with 2 tbsp peanut butter

Protein shake

2 whole wheat wraps with chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, mayo


1 piece of fruit

Protein shake

Steak with grilled or steamed vegetables

baked potato or whole grain rice

1 piece of fruit cut up in
1 cup greek yogurt or cottage cheese


That is just the diet, here is the interval training!

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout
This concept can be applied to running outside or on the treadmill, cycling, the elliptical machine, rowing machine, or pretty much any piece of cardio equipment.
The idea is to sprint at 90% of your maximum effort for a specific amount of time, followed by an equal amount of recovery time at 50% maximum effort.  Here is the first 3 weeks of a high intensity interval training plan à

Week 1  (2 days/week)
5 minute warm-up (easy jog)

30 second sprint (90% of maximum running speed)
1 min 30 second recovery (light jog)
-Repeat this 2 minute cycle 10 times for a total of 20 minutes

5 minute cool-down (easy jog)

Week 2  (3 days/week)

5 minute warm-up

45 second sprint (90% of maximum running speed)
1 min 15 second recovery (light jog)
-Repeat this 2 minute cycle 10 times for a total of 20 minutes

5 minute cool-down

Week 3  (2 days/week)

5 minute warm-up

1 minute sprint
1 minute recovery
-Repeat this 2 minute cycle 12 times for a total of 24 minutes

5 minute cool-down

This program works, to make sure it is 100 percent effective make sure to hit the gym a couple times a week!
Every Monday I workout at a Gym, and have an on ice hockey session. Tuesday I have a workout where I train at. Wednesday I have a one ice session. Thursday I have a morning workout, a dryland outside, and a workout in the evening. Fridays is all beach body muscles, and then the weekend is where I rest.


Thanks for listening
-Muscle Maniac (Justin Penner)

Sunday 22 July 2012

Inner Triceps

The triceps are a very unique muscle. They make up two thirds of you're arm! The triceps are separated into two main parts. The inner, and outter tricep. Outter triceps is what mainly everyone in the gym develops! Unfortunately most people don't know how to get the inner triceps. Fortunately I have found a cunning way to develop that muscle so you're triceps can get the "V-effect" everyone wishes.

Here are simple exercises you can incorporate in you're routine to get that beautiful V shape in you're arm today!

Close Grip Bench Press

Most people do close grip bench press like they'd do regular bench press, and that's fine but the way I have discovered is more efficient. You put on weight that is significantly less than what you'd normally do. For me I'm a 190 pound 5'10 hockey player. I can bench 225 ilbs, but I put a 35 plate on each side for this exercise.
I put my grip very close opposed to a regular bench press. I do 8 reps, for a set of 4.

When I go down, I count to 6, very slowly, and when you hit you're chest extend very slowly for a count of 6, and that's 1 rep. Do this 8 more time for a set of 4.

This exercise is double standing up triceps kickbacks. This is very standard, grab a very light weight. (15 - 20 ilbs) Jam out 15-20 reps. I usually do this for a super set with the close grip bench press. Also do this very slowly!

Skull Crushers is a very easy exercise. Do this exercise normally. Grab a heavy weight, and pump out 8-12 reps for 3 or 4 sets.

These are regular cable triceps downs. Do a normal weight, and fully extend. Do for 12-15 reps for 3 or 4 sets.

When you fully extend on each rep remember to curl you're wrist inwards to get that full inner triceps burn.

These are just a few exsersises I use to develop my inner tricep to get that full V affect.

-Justin Penner

Effects of Marjuanna on Muscle growth, Sports Training

Marijuana is a drug that "calms" people down and gives them a positive look on things. You can smoke it many different ways. It is a very cheap gateway drug. Marijuana is a type of cannabis. 

This is a marijuana leaf

Cons of smoking Weed
Marijuana is thought to have a very negative effect on things. It can make you miss gym sessions, and give you the "munchies" which makes you eat a lot and can make you develop body fat. Smoking also can affect you're lungs which makes it harder to do cardio which can affect you're body fat percentage.

Marjuanna seems to have no negitive affects besides the cardio problems. You can still build muscle, and develop it as someone who doesn't smoke would. There are no pro's but if you force yourself not to have the munchies, and if you never miss you're gym sessions you should be fine

Marijuana, or weed can affect you're motor skills, heart, and memory in the long run, so it would be best not to partake in it.

Thank you
-Justin Penner

Interval Training - The best

Interval training is where you do short burst of intense exercise and then move onto a longer rest period of time. You can sprint for 20 seconds, and then rest for 40. For example, the faster you burn calories, is the faster you burn fat. The beauty of interval training is that you can do it with any type of exercise. Sprinting, biking, skating, skipping ect. The other beautiful thing about this training, is that it builds up a lot of lactic acid that reduces fatigue.

Ways you can do this
After a workout instead of running on a treadmill for 40 minutes at a consistent pace, just do some interval training. Turn the speed up to 10, and the incline up to 12 on you're treadmill. Sprint for 20 seconds, and rest for 40. Repeat this for 10-20 minutes strait.

It's a great method of exercise, the one downfall is that with such high intensity exercise it makes the likeliness towards an injury more likely to happen.

-Justin Penner 

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Cociane use on Muscle Growth, and Sports Training

Someone doing Coke

Hey guys, its the Muscle Maniac with a new blog to help you guys out. If you'd like to try drugs, or if you are currently doing (I'm suggesting not to) this blog is here to inform you on the effects of cocaine with muscle growth and sports training!


What is Cocaine
Coaine is a white or brown damp powder that you can eat, inject anally, inject threw veins, smoke, but most commonly used with sniffing. It is a stimulant, so it will awake you, and get you going. Cocaine is a very pricey drug, and used most commonly with very wealthy people. If someone is addicted to cocaine but cannot afford it, they resort to crack, which is a very highly addictive drug that is a lot dirtier.

Cocaines affects on Muscle building
Coke is a stimulant so most people may think it is a better alterinitive to a preworkout! We'll theyre wrong. Nose candy as some people like to call it, may give you that boost, but will mostlilkey ruin you're next day. You will sleep the whole day, and hardley eat. Hardley eating will affect youre vitimain and protien intake. You will most likely loose mass if you do cociane.

Last Words
Although Cocaine is a very addictive drug, that ruins you're next day, and affects you're eating. There is no evidence that proves doing cocaine will affect you're overall training, or muscle growth so it would be okay if you force fed.

There will be more blogs on drug use and training/muscle growth

-Justin Penner

Monday 16 July 2012


Hey guys, quick update! I hopped the twitter bandwagon, you can connect with me over twitter, or just follow me, and I'll follow right back! Here's a link to my twitter! Check it out! Tweet me questions you have on new blog's I can write about, thank you! This is just a quick update so bye!

-Justin Penner

Tobacco Products effects on muscle gain, sport training

Hey guys, today I'm talking about the serious stuff. Tobacco products, and if they effect muscle gains, cardiovascular gains, everything like that. First off there is 3 types of main tobacco. Number one is smoking tobacco. Smoking tobacco's most common form is the cigarette. There are things you can smoke that carry tobacco like pipe, cigars, and ciggerllos. Number two is the second most common type of tobacco, which is chewing tobacco. Chewing tobacco comes in two containers. One is a circular metal tin, and the other is a plastic bag. Also, last the very least common type of tobacco is snuff. Snuff comes in a circular metal tin like chewing tobacco, accept it's finer cut so you can snort it up you're nose. All tobacco is very dangerous and highly addictive. Tobacco use can cause cancer due to all the toxins. There is much more side affects. Now I'll explain the damage each tobacco does for muscle building and sports training.

smoking tabacco

Smoking tobacco is very addictive, and very unhealthy especially when building muscle. Nicotine acts as a stimulant and a depressent, and that's why it's so addictive! It speeds up youre heart rate, but chills you out so it makes you lazyier. If you are a body builder there is no point in smoking because it will effect you're breathing and lungs. You're cardio will go down the drain, so you will not perform well in sports. Also, it will be very hard to cut, and tone up with such terriable cardio, and toxins going into you're body. With less oxygen it will be harder for you're muscles to breath and grow.

professional baseball player chewing

Chewing tabacco may seem better and healthier than smoking tabacco, but it isn't! In one tin of chewing tobacco there is as much nicotine as 60 ciggerettes. WOW! Chewing tabacco will not affect lungs, so aside from smoking tobacco the one vital difference is that chewing tabacco won't mess you're cardio up. That is why a lot of professional athletes that choose to part take in tabacco use chew. Chewing tabacco isn't all bright and shiny though... remmeber all that nicotine! Due to all the toxins and nicotine you can develop soars, cancers in the throat and mouth much much sooner. It is a definite no, no...

Snorting Tobacco

There has been a lot of studies on snuff tobacco! It is tobacco you snort up you're nose. Snuff has far less toxins than chewing tobacco, and smoking tobacco. It's the healthiest out of the three. It's still bad for you though, but it helps you wean down off of smoking and/chewing. There are no affects on sports relation, and body building.

All tobacco is bad, but if you are heavily addicted and want to keep good cardio I'd suggest using the chewing tobacco. If you want to wean off snuff is a very good way to quit. Personally all tobacco is bad when you're trying to become healthy, it makes you lazy, and when you quit you can usually gain about 5 pounds because you eat so much.

Tobacco and good health don't mix. Don't try any of these things, stick to building muscle, working on you're game and improving

-Justin Penner

Thursday 12 July 2012

What Not to Be at the Gym - Biceps Maniac

If you're new to the gym, and very inexperienced don't become a Biceps Maniac! Now, you're probably wondering.... "What's a Biceps Maniac!?"

Well... to give you the stone cold truth, a Biceps Maniac is usually a beginner, someone new to the gym. A Biceps Maniac always, and only works on the biceps. For one or two reason. Reason one is results. When you work biceps whether you're fat, skinny, or muscular you see the pump right after workout, and in most cases it is a very easily developed muscle. Reason two being how easy it is to work the biceps. You grab a weight, curl it, and there you go! Sure that sounds spectacular!... BUT LISTEN if you just work and develop you're biceps that will be the only muscle that will get bigger!

How to Solve the Solution if you're a Biceps maniac
If you're a biceps maniac hold up and listen. Work every muscle in you're body, and don't favour one or the other. Just working the biceps and making them big balloons won't look good, and if you're an athlete won't perform well. Work on every muscle group eg.( Legs, Abs, Chest, Back ect.) Sure you won't see the results if you work out you're back right away, but if you feel it in the morning, you know you will eventually see results!

Would you rather look like this...

Biceps Manaic

Or this......

A person who worked everything, and listened to Muscle Maniac

Look at the Difference!!!

Lets get real here... which would you perfer...

If you are still a Biceps Maniac think about this. If you just work you're Biceps they will not grow, because all you'll be doing is over training them. Rest is just as important as working out.

If you have anymore questions email me or comment below!

Thank you, hope you enjoyed my blog!

-Justin Penner


Hey guys, my name is Justin Penner! If you're looking for a blog to inform yourself on how to build muscle, trim fat, improve speed, and/or dietary information you've come to the right place. If you have a membership to a gym or if you just workout at home the Muscle Maniac can give you advice on how to complete you're goal of becoming physically fit! I will review programs, and diets that my peers or I have tried. Anything you need you can find here! Keep posted, because I will always be posting!

-Justin Penner (Muscle Maniac)