Sunday 22 July 2012

Inner Triceps

The triceps are a very unique muscle. They make up two thirds of you're arm! The triceps are separated into two main parts. The inner, and outter tricep. Outter triceps is what mainly everyone in the gym develops! Unfortunately most people don't know how to get the inner triceps. Fortunately I have found a cunning way to develop that muscle so you're triceps can get the "V-effect" everyone wishes.

Here are simple exercises you can incorporate in you're routine to get that beautiful V shape in you're arm today!

Close Grip Bench Press

Most people do close grip bench press like they'd do regular bench press, and that's fine but the way I have discovered is more efficient. You put on weight that is significantly less than what you'd normally do. For me I'm a 190 pound 5'10 hockey player. I can bench 225 ilbs, but I put a 35 plate on each side for this exercise.
I put my grip very close opposed to a regular bench press. I do 8 reps, for a set of 4.

When I go down, I count to 6, very slowly, and when you hit you're chest extend very slowly for a count of 6, and that's 1 rep. Do this 8 more time for a set of 4.

This exercise is double standing up triceps kickbacks. This is very standard, grab a very light weight. (15 - 20 ilbs) Jam out 15-20 reps. I usually do this for a super set with the close grip bench press. Also do this very slowly!

Skull Crushers is a very easy exercise. Do this exercise normally. Grab a heavy weight, and pump out 8-12 reps for 3 or 4 sets.

These are regular cable triceps downs. Do a normal weight, and fully extend. Do for 12-15 reps for 3 or 4 sets.

When you fully extend on each rep remember to curl you're wrist inwards to get that full inner triceps burn.

These are just a few exsersises I use to develop my inner tricep to get that full V affect.

-Justin Penner


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